【海韵讲座】2016年第17期-Non-adaptive Testing of Graphical Multi-User Relationships over Noisy Multi-Access Boolean Channels with a Probabilistic Approach
Title: Non-adaptive Testing of Graphical Multi-User Relationships over Noisy Multi-Access Boolean Channels with a Probabilistic Approach
Abstract: Group testing and compressive sensing have attracted a significant amount of attention lately. Their primary goal is to identify a relatively small set of users in a much larger group by selectively pooling and testing using a much lower dimensional data. Both of them have found numerous applications in a variety of areas including DNA library screening, software testing, and multiple-access communications, to name a few. Inspired by such sparse testing problems, in this work, we propose a novel non-adaptive testing framework under which we want to efficiently identify a set of active users whose pair-wise relationship can be featured in a two-colorable graph. The testing output is determined by the pair-wise Boolean operations restricted by such graph, as well as the underlying noisy Boolean MAC channel. An achievable lower bound on detection time for constructing such a two-colorable graph is found by adopting a probabilistic encoding approach, as well as a general decoding method based on strong typical set and joint decision ideas.
Under our models, non-adaptive group testing can be treated as a special case of the proposed problem with the final relationship of active users represented by a single edge, when there are only two active users to be detected. In addition, our formulation can find applications in detecting graphical relationship between cooperating agents in multi-user networks such as public safety and social networks, and establishing partitioned groups for scheduling purposes in multiple access channels.
报告人简历:魏双庆博士1990至1998年就读于清华大学电子工程系,并在1995年和1998年分别获得工学学士和工学硕士学位。1998年获得全额奖学金赴美就读于马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校电机工程系。2003年获得工学博士学位,并于同年八月来到路易斯安那州立大学,电机工程和计算机学院任教。2009年得到终身教授职位,2013年获得Michael B. Voorhies 杰出教授头衔。 科研兴趣涵盖通信、信息和网络科学的基础理论,以及大数据背景下机器学习和信息、协同科学以及网络安全的交叉应用问题。
魏博士在通信和信息领域的国际顶级期刊和会议上已发表文章90余篇。曾担任 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 和 IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 的编委,目前担任IEEE Access 的编委。魏博士经常担任IEEE顶级通信类会议的 Technical Program Committee (TPC) 委员,包括 ICC, Globecom, WCNC, MILCOM。魏博士还常被邀请审阅信息类IEEE顶级期刊的文章,包括IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 另外,魏博士还被邀请为美国国家自然科学基金提供专家评审意见。