08:45 – 09:00 | Opening Remarks (chair: Ligang Liu ) download(24.5MB)
09:00 – 10:00 | Keynote 1 (chair: Ligang Liu)
Boundary-sensitive Hodge Decompositions
Konrad Polthier download(11.5MB) |
10:00 – 10:30 | Coffee Break download(21.4MB) |
10:30 – 12:00 | Session 1 (chair: Kai Hormann)
Towards Optimal Advection using Stretch-maximizing Stream Surfaces
Michael Bartoň and Jiří Kosinka download(8.6MB) |
Dense Packing of Congruent Circles in Free-form Non-convex Containers
Jinesh Machchhar and Gershon Elber download(8.5MB) |
An Algebraic Framework for Computing the Topology of Offsets to Rational Curves
Laureano Gonzalez-Vega, Gema M. Diaz-Toca, Mario Fioravanti, Ioana Necula and Jorge Caravantesdownload(3.2MB) |
12:00 – 14:00 | Lunch Break |
14:00 – 15:30 | Session 2 (chair: Ying He) |
Algorithms for Computing Strong µ-Bases for Rational Tensor Product Surfaces Liyong Shen and Ron Goldman download(5.6MB) |
Optimal Base Complexes for Quadrilateral Meshes Faniry Razafindrazaka and Konrad Polthier download(5.4MB) |
Dimension and Basis Construction for Analysis-suitable G^1 Two-patch Parameterizations Mario Kapl, Giancarlo Sangalli and Thomas Takacs download(5.2MB) |
15:30 – 16:00 | Coffee Break download(33.6MB) |
16:00 – 17:30 | Session 3 (chair: Xin Li) |
Adaptive Scattered Data Fitting by Extension of Local Approximations to Hierarchical Splines
Cesare Bracco, Carlotta Giannelli and Alessandra Sestini download(4.0MB) |
Smooth Splines on Quad Meshes with 4-split Macro-patch Elements
Ahmed Blidia, Bernard Mourrain and Nelly Villamizar download(3.0MB) |
Discretizing Wachspress Kernels is Safe Kai Hormann and Jiří Kosinka download(7.6MB) |
18:00 – night | Banquet Dinner (Location: Honor Seafood Restaurant; Leave at 17:40) download(39.2MB) |
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
09:00 – 10:00 | Keynote 2 (chair: Bert Jüttler) |
Volumetric T-Spline Parameterization for Isogeometric Analysis with Engineering Applications Yongjie Jessica Zhang download(14.3MB) |
10:00 – 10:30 | Coffee Break download(3.3MB) |
10:30 – 12:00 | Session 4 (chair: Juyong Zhang) |
Converting a CAD Model into a Non-uniform Subdivision Surface
(CAGD) Jingjing Shen, Jiří Kosinka, Malcolm Sabin, Neil Dodgson download(10.4MB) |
Implicit Surface Reconstruction with Total Variation Regularization Yuan Liu, Yanzhi Song, Zhouwang Yang and Jiansong Deng download(11.4MB) |
Phase-field Guided Surface Reconstruction Based on Implicit Hierarchical B-splines
Maodong Pan, Weihua Tong and Falai Chen download(5.1MB) |
12:00 – 14:00 | Lunch Break |
14:00 – 15:30 | Session 5 (chair: Li-Yong Shen) |
Curvature Sensitive Analysis of Axially Compressed Cylindrical Tubes with Corrugated Surface using Isogeometric Analysis and Experiment (CAGD) Takuma Imai, Tadahiro Shibutani, Kazumi Matsui, Seitoku Kumagai, Dang Tien Tran, Kaiyuan Mu, Takashi Maekawa download(10.8MB) |
Convergence Rates for Solving Elliptic Boundary Value Problems with Singular Parameterizations in Isogeometric Analysis
Meng Wu, Yicao Wang, Bernard Mourrain, Boniface Nkonga and Changzheng Cheng download(4.6MB) |
Rapid B-Rep Model Preprocessing for Immersogeometric Analysis using Analytic Surfaces
Chenglong Wang, Fei Xu, Ming-Chen Hsu and Adarsh Krishnamurthy download(4.2MB) |
15:30 – 16:00 | Coffee Break download(9.9MB) |
16:00 – 17:00 | Session 6 (chair: Zhibin Niu) |
Surface Reconstruction using Simplex Splines on Feature-sensitive Configurations (CAGD) Yuhua Zhang, Juan Cao, Zhonggui Chen, Xiaoming Zeng download(3.1MB) |
Greville Abscissae of Totally Positive Bases (CAGD) Jesús M. Carnicer, Esmeralda Mainar, Juan Manuel Peña.download(5.9MB) |
17:30 – 20:30 | Visit to Zengcuoan (Dinner on your own; Leave at 17:10) |
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
09:00 – 10:00 | Keynote 3 (chair: Yong-Jin Liu) |
What You Think is What You See -- Smart Geometry Modeling and Processing Yang Liu download(13.3MB) |
10:00 – 10:30 | Coffee Break download(15.3MB) |
10:30 – 12:00 | Session 7 (chair: Dun Liang) |
Blended Barycentric Coordinates
Dmitry Anisimov, Daniele Panozzo and Kai Hormann download(9.5MB) |
On Pseudo-harmonic Barycentric Coordinates
Renjie Chen and Craig Gotsman download(2.9MB) |
Rapid Blending of Closed Curves Based on Curvature Flow Masahiro Hirano, Yoshihiro Watanabe and Masatoshi Ishikawa download(5.1MB) |
12:00 – 14:00 | Lunch Break |
14:00 – 15:30 | Session 8 (chair: Xiaohong Jia) |
A Primitive-based 3D Segmentation Algorithm for CAD Models Truc Le and Ye Duan download(3.9MB) |
Sliver-Suppressing Tetrahedral Mesh Optimization with Gradient-Based Shape Matching Energy Saifeng Ni, Zichun Zhong, Yang Liu, Wenping Wang, Zhonggui Chen and Xiaohu Guo download(2.4MB) |
Discrete Geodesic Graph (DGG) for Computing Geodesic Distances on Polyhedral Surfaces
Xiaoning Wang, Zheng Fang, Jiajun Wu, Shi-Qing Xin and Ying He download(4.0MB) |
15:30 – 16:00 | Coffee Break download(3.6MB) |
16:00 – 17:30 | Session 9 (chair: Dongming Yan) |
Smooth Interpolation of Key Frames in a Riemannian Shell Space
Pascal Huber, Ricardo Perl and Martin Rumpf download(14.0MB) |
Compressed Vibration Modes of Deformable Objects
Christopher Brandt and Klaus Hildebrandt download(6.8MB) |
By Example Synthesis of Three-Dimensional Porous Materials
Hui Zhang, Weikai Chen, Bin Wang and Wenping Wang download(2.9MB) |
17:30 – 17:40 | Closing Ceremony (chair: Zhonggui Chen) download(28.7MB) |